El laboratorio de Neurobiología ha alcanzado un nuevo acuerdo con la empresa sueca Umecrine para realizar el estudio: Effects of golexanolone on motor and cognitive function in a rat model of Parkinson’s disease and of some underlying mechanisms, financiado por Umecrine. Esto supone un incremento ocasional imprevisto de trabajo, que hace necesario contratar una persona que participará en la realización de este estudio durante un periodo de 4 meses desarrollando algunas de las siguientes tareas:
§ Realización de tests de comportamiento: estudio de la fatiga,sensibilidad térmica, coordinación motora (MotoRater, Catwalk) y funciones cognitivas (Object Recognition Memory, Object Location Memory, Y-Maze…).
§ Análisis de los tests de comportamiento
§ Extracción de áreas cerebrales de rata
§ Inmunohistoquímica (activación de microglía, astrocitos…)
§ Obtención de muestras de suero y plasma de la vena safena de rata
§ Análisis de proteínas por Western blot
§ Análisis de ARNm por PCR
§ Análisis de factores inflamatorios en sangre mediante kits de ELISA o Western blot
§ Aislamiento de células mononucleares periféricas (PBMCs) a partir de sangre
The Neurobiology laboratory has reached a new agreement with the Swedish company Umecrine to carry out the study: Effects of golexanolone on motor and cognitive function in a rat model of Parkinson's disease and of some underlying mechanisms, financed by Umecrine. This supposes an unforeseen occasional increase in work, which makes it necessary to hire a person who will participate in carrying out this study for a period of 4 months, developing some of the following tasks:
- Carrying out behavioral tests: study of fatigue, thermal sensitivity, motor coordination (MotoRater, Catwalk) and cognitive functions (Object Recognition Memory, Object Location Memory, Y-Maze...).
- Analysis of behavioral tests
- Extraction of rat brain areas
- Immunohistochemistry (activation of microglia, astrocytes…)
- Obtaining serum and plasma samples from the rat saphenous vein
- protein analysis by western blot
- mRNA analysis by PCR
- Analysis of inflammatory factors in blood using ELISA or Western blot kits
- Isolation of peripheral mononuclear cells (PBMCs) from blood